Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Progressing Pregnancy

This little baby isn't even here yet and I feel like my life has gotten so busy! Lots to catch up on in baby-blogging!

Weeks 9-12 - We began to tell a few more people the good news and it was great to get their reactions. Surprisingly, I didn't find myself telling the world right away like I thought I would. I guess there was still a voice inside me that was telling me to wait, since anything could happen still. So even though it was no longer a secret, and I didn't mind if people shared the news, I found myself keeping quiet about my pregnancy (no facebook posts, or wide church announcements, etc.), knowing that I would be a lot more comfortable after our 12 week ultrasound. The little bit of "welcome" nausea I felt before was now full-blown. Still grateful for the symptoms of healthy pregnancy, but the nausea was definitely worse. My doctor had prescribed an antibiotic at my first appointment for a mild infection I had and man, did it make me sick! Thankfully I realized the connection between that and my sickness (which was WAY more than just morning sickness) and I was able to get a different medication. But though week 9 and 10 were the worst (not to mention the warmest weather we had had in a while!) my morning sickness has stuck with me ever since. Throwing up has become a part of daily routine. I just hope it doesn't last throughout the entire pregnancy!

12 Weeks, 4 days, August 3rd - The day of our second ultrasound! Strong heartbeat, wiggly uncooperative baby, a beautiful sight! Cameron could not come with me on this appointment either which was quite a disappointment. But it was wonderful to see that little person on the screen! The picture was so much more human-like than the little peanut-like blob on the first sonogram. I could see baby's little nose and mouth, and make out the difference between head and body. But Baby Lee was a little stinker! The technician was having a really hard time getting the baby to give her the profile she needed, so she had me 1) go to the bathroom to empty my bladder, 2)get up and touch my toes about 10 times, and 3) then had me drink a cup of ice water and walk the halls like a lost patient for about 10 minutes! She finally got the pics she needed, and I was all the more pleased because the longer it took for her to get the measurement she needed, the longer I got to see my baby! =) Our uncooperative baby was also too wiggly to get to hear the heartbeat that day, but I was so happy to have seen the u/s I didn't mind too much!

Weeks 13-16 Mom took me out maternity shopping. I'm already getting so big! My friend Katie is a month ahead of me in her pregnancy and she and I look about the same size, lol. It was really nice to get a few pants and a couple of tops to add to my wardrobe, especially since anything remotely snug against my belly just makes me feel more nauseated. Its hard to get comfortable at night because even if my blankets are touching me wrong I feel sick! The morning sickness is easing up a little, contained just to the mornings mostly, but I still don't have much of an appetite. Meats & cheeses are the only things I want usually, and fruits and veggies are having a very difficult time getting down. Ah well, I'm doing my best, and glad for those horse-pill vitamins to help add some needed nutrients in my diet.

16 weeks, August 27 - Had a little bit of a scare to start my morning with - some slight spotting which I hadn't had at all this pregnancy. Of course, the mind immediately jumps to all thoughts scary and sad. Thankfully the doctor was able to see me that same day and confirmed that all was well after a once-over. And added bonus - got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! At my previously scheduled 16 week appointment a few days later both Cameron & I got to hear the heartbeat again together. There's life in there! And, I had only gained 2 pounds! Right on track.

Some pictures of my growing tummy so far:

11 weeks 13 weeks 15 weeks 17 weeks 19 weeks