Friday, August 27, 2010

The First Few Weeks

Well to say the least, pregnancy is an adventure! Now, I know that the REAL adventure will begin once I hear those tiny baby lungs cry out their greeting in this world. However, pregnancy is no doubt an adventure all on its own. Here is a little bit more about my journey so far...

4 weeks, June 4th... expected my period and it never came!

5 weeks... positive pregnancy test!! Feeling nervous, but SO excited. Cameron and I talked right away about waiting to tell people until after our first ultrasound (u/s). At this time, I had no idea how HARD it was going to be to keep my mouth shut!

6 weeks, June 19th... My birthday! Summertime BBQ with the Young Married group from church and BBQ dinner with family. Family & friends all together, hanging out, wishing good birthday wishes... all the while knowing that the BEST birthday present ever was becoming a little person inside me!

7 weeks... pregnancy symptoms finally starting to set in. A little bit of nausea, a little tenderness in certain areas, but still feeling pretty good. The nausea actually was a welcome thing, being about the only thing that made me feel pregnant at all. Before that first u/s its pretty nervewracking the way your imagination can make you feel like something is going to go wrong!

8 weeks, July 2nd... the u/s was almost here! Family was in town back from their cruise and we all were celebrating 4th of July that weekend. I was SO tempted to spill the beans (looking back, I can't believe I didn't!) especially when the subject of babies came up. After all, my appt was just days away and my Grandma was going to be leaving for Arizona for months! But we kept to the plan and kept our mouths shut. Better safe than sorry.

Then a few days later we got to see this...

There's a baby in there!!

My heart was soaring, and within the day we had told our immediate family and a few friends. I even caught my Grandma as she was heading out for Arizona!! It was wonderful sharing the news with everyone.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yes! We're having a Baby!

So, you may or may not have heard the rumors. You may have known for a while and wondered why its taken me so long to blog! Yes, it is true! Cameron and I are going to have a baby, due February 11, 2011 and we are SO excited.

One reason why I haven't written anything here on this blog for so long is because we had decided once we found out I was pregnant that we were going to wait to tell people our good news until we had confirmation from the ultrasound picture that we really did have good news to share! And since I knew I was pregnant and wasn't telling anyone yet, it was so hard to find topics to blog about that weren't baby related! =)

We now have had not one, but two successful ultrasounds! Baby Lee looks healthy and has already proven to be strong-willed and stubborn by not cooperating with what the doctors wanted him/her to do, lol. It was so beautiful though seeing that little human being inside of me... wiggling, heart beating, so lovable.

I have a lot more to write but it may come in short little spurts! Hard to find time to blog these days with a busy business to run and a person growing inside me! Until next time...