Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Progressing Pregnancy - Weeks 16 - 28

Good thing I've been keeping a journal of all my feelings and changes throughout this pregnancy - I know I'm SO behind in blogging! Here's most of my catch-up and hopefully I'll get another blog out here soon!
Weeks 16 - 19 - Nausea still a daily struggle, and during this time I was still throwing up in the mornings about 4 times a week consistently. Yuck! I was beginning to feel like I was going to be sick for the rest of my life! I began to realize there was a link between how much sleep I was getting at night and how nauseaus I was when I woke up. The more sleep the better, but that wasn't always possible. Admittedly I was beginning to develop some poor food choice habits; rarely picking up any fruits or vegetables, and usually reaching for the mac n cheese (good ole' comfort food!). Enjoying that my growing belly was making me more obviously pregnant - and even enjoyed the occasional tummy rub from others =).

19 weeks, 5 days - September 22nd, ITS A BOY!!! Doctor says everything is going as good as we can expect and that the baby is going to be big - approximately 8.5lbs at birth. I've gained 6 pounds total, which is right on track. Now we could go home and finally get a little more serious about finding a name!

Weeks 20 - 24 - September 29, I felt the baby move! When I was waking up in the morning I felt something like a muscle twitch inside. I didn't think much of it at first (especially since I was still half asleep), but then I realized it might have been our little boy moving around! That evening after choir we were watching tv and I felt a suspicious "roll" in my tummy. It was much bigger than the twitch I had felt that morning and I even saw my belly lurch with the "roll" I had felt! That was definitely baby! I wish he had moved more, since I had a feeling it would have been big enough for Cameron to have felt him too, but he was pretty wiggle-free after that one big somersault. =( Finally, Finally, FINALLY, my morning sickness was beginning to let up by week 23(ish)!! Wasn't gone completely, but I was going 4 or 5 days in a row without getting sick, which was a welcome improvement. Along with the lessening morning sickness however, I had begun to experience some regular heartburn throughout the day. I guess it was an exchange I was going to have to accept! Hips and back were feeling pretty achy and sore in the mornings when I woke up, but with the doctor's suggestion to make sure I keep moving and stretching, that seemed to help.

Weeks 24 - 28 Morning sickness was creeping away with each and every day! Baby Lee was moving a LOT now and Cameron was able to feel him for the first time at about week 25, and he could feel him pretty regularly in the mornings as we were waking up. Movements became much stronger than just twitches and rolls, and began to feel more like Baby Lee was practicing some tae kwon do in his own personal dojang! I always feel him on the right the most, which makes me curious as to what he is doing and how he is laying. Wish I could see him! No hiccups felt yet, but when he kicks sometimes I feel like my whole body shakes! We've had a busy schedule so I was feeling pretty tired as I entered the 3rd trimester, but overall this time was a pretty "good energy" month. People are sometimes surprised when I tell them I have three more months yet to go, because I'm starting to "pop" out pretty good. This stage of pregnancy has probably been the most enjoyable. I like that others can tell that I'm pregnant, and I love feeling the baby move! We've been trying out the name Christopher Noah; its definitely growing on us. And since we haven't been looking at names anymore, it seems like this is the one we're going with! Eagerly awaiting our first meeting with CHRISTOPHER!

Here are some pictures of my growing baby and belly!

21 weeks

23 weeks

25 weeks

27 weeks