Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Progressing Pregnancy - Weeks 16 - 28

Good thing I've been keeping a journal of all my feelings and changes throughout this pregnancy - I know I'm SO behind in blogging! Here's most of my catch-up and hopefully I'll get another blog out here soon!
Weeks 16 - 19 - Nausea still a daily struggle, and during this time I was still throwing up in the mornings about 4 times a week consistently. Yuck! I was beginning to feel like I was going to be sick for the rest of my life! I began to realize there was a link between how much sleep I was getting at night and how nauseaus I was when I woke up. The more sleep the better, but that wasn't always possible. Admittedly I was beginning to develop some poor food choice habits; rarely picking up any fruits or vegetables, and usually reaching for the mac n cheese (good ole' comfort food!). Enjoying that my growing belly was making me more obviously pregnant - and even enjoyed the occasional tummy rub from others =).

19 weeks, 5 days - September 22nd, ITS A BOY!!! Doctor says everything is going as good as we can expect and that the baby is going to be big - approximately 8.5lbs at birth. I've gained 6 pounds total, which is right on track. Now we could go home and finally get a little more serious about finding a name!

Weeks 20 - 24 - September 29, I felt the baby move! When I was waking up in the morning I felt something like a muscle twitch inside. I didn't think much of it at first (especially since I was still half asleep), but then I realized it might have been our little boy moving around! That evening after choir we were watching tv and I felt a suspicious "roll" in my tummy. It was much bigger than the twitch I had felt that morning and I even saw my belly lurch with the "roll" I had felt! That was definitely baby! I wish he had moved more, since I had a feeling it would have been big enough for Cameron to have felt him too, but he was pretty wiggle-free after that one big somersault. =( Finally, Finally, FINALLY, my morning sickness was beginning to let up by week 23(ish)!! Wasn't gone completely, but I was going 4 or 5 days in a row without getting sick, which was a welcome improvement. Along with the lessening morning sickness however, I had begun to experience some regular heartburn throughout the day. I guess it was an exchange I was going to have to accept! Hips and back were feeling pretty achy and sore in the mornings when I woke up, but with the doctor's suggestion to make sure I keep moving and stretching, that seemed to help.

Weeks 24 - 28 Morning sickness was creeping away with each and every day! Baby Lee was moving a LOT now and Cameron was able to feel him for the first time at about week 25, and he could feel him pretty regularly in the mornings as we were waking up. Movements became much stronger than just twitches and rolls, and began to feel more like Baby Lee was practicing some tae kwon do in his own personal dojang! I always feel him on the right the most, which makes me curious as to what he is doing and how he is laying. Wish I could see him! No hiccups felt yet, but when he kicks sometimes I feel like my whole body shakes! We've had a busy schedule so I was feeling pretty tired as I entered the 3rd trimester, but overall this time was a pretty "good energy" month. People are sometimes surprised when I tell them I have three more months yet to go, because I'm starting to "pop" out pretty good. This stage of pregnancy has probably been the most enjoyable. I like that others can tell that I'm pregnant, and I love feeling the baby move! We've been trying out the name Christopher Noah; its definitely growing on us. And since we haven't been looking at names anymore, it seems like this is the one we're going with! Eagerly awaiting our first meeting with CHRISTOPHER!

Here are some pictures of my growing baby and belly!

21 weeks

23 weeks

25 weeks

27 weeks

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Progressing Pregnancy

This little baby isn't even here yet and I feel like my life has gotten so busy! Lots to catch up on in baby-blogging!

Weeks 9-12 - We began to tell a few more people the good news and it was great to get their reactions. Surprisingly, I didn't find myself telling the world right away like I thought I would. I guess there was still a voice inside me that was telling me to wait, since anything could happen still. So even though it was no longer a secret, and I didn't mind if people shared the news, I found myself keeping quiet about my pregnancy (no facebook posts, or wide church announcements, etc.), knowing that I would be a lot more comfortable after our 12 week ultrasound. The little bit of "welcome" nausea I felt before was now full-blown. Still grateful for the symptoms of healthy pregnancy, but the nausea was definitely worse. My doctor had prescribed an antibiotic at my first appointment for a mild infection I had and man, did it make me sick! Thankfully I realized the connection between that and my sickness (which was WAY more than just morning sickness) and I was able to get a different medication. But though week 9 and 10 were the worst (not to mention the warmest weather we had had in a while!) my morning sickness has stuck with me ever since. Throwing up has become a part of daily routine. I just hope it doesn't last throughout the entire pregnancy!

12 Weeks, 4 days, August 3rd - The day of our second ultrasound! Strong heartbeat, wiggly uncooperative baby, a beautiful sight! Cameron could not come with me on this appointment either which was quite a disappointment. But it was wonderful to see that little person on the screen! The picture was so much more human-like than the little peanut-like blob on the first sonogram. I could see baby's little nose and mouth, and make out the difference between head and body. But Baby Lee was a little stinker! The technician was having a really hard time getting the baby to give her the profile she needed, so she had me 1) go to the bathroom to empty my bladder, 2)get up and touch my toes about 10 times, and 3) then had me drink a cup of ice water and walk the halls like a lost patient for about 10 minutes! She finally got the pics she needed, and I was all the more pleased because the longer it took for her to get the measurement she needed, the longer I got to see my baby! =) Our uncooperative baby was also too wiggly to get to hear the heartbeat that day, but I was so happy to have seen the u/s I didn't mind too much!

Weeks 13-16 Mom took me out maternity shopping. I'm already getting so big! My friend Katie is a month ahead of me in her pregnancy and she and I look about the same size, lol. It was really nice to get a few pants and a couple of tops to add to my wardrobe, especially since anything remotely snug against my belly just makes me feel more nauseated. Its hard to get comfortable at night because even if my blankets are touching me wrong I feel sick! The morning sickness is easing up a little, contained just to the mornings mostly, but I still don't have much of an appetite. Meats & cheeses are the only things I want usually, and fruits and veggies are having a very difficult time getting down. Ah well, I'm doing my best, and glad for those horse-pill vitamins to help add some needed nutrients in my diet.

16 weeks, August 27 - Had a little bit of a scare to start my morning with - some slight spotting which I hadn't had at all this pregnancy. Of course, the mind immediately jumps to all thoughts scary and sad. Thankfully the doctor was able to see me that same day and confirmed that all was well after a once-over. And added bonus - got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! At my previously scheduled 16 week appointment a few days later both Cameron & I got to hear the heartbeat again together. There's life in there! And, I had only gained 2 pounds! Right on track.

Some pictures of my growing tummy so far:

11 weeks 13 weeks 15 weeks 17 weeks 19 weeks

Friday, August 27, 2010

The First Few Weeks

Well to say the least, pregnancy is an adventure! Now, I know that the REAL adventure will begin once I hear those tiny baby lungs cry out their greeting in this world. However, pregnancy is no doubt an adventure all on its own. Here is a little bit more about my journey so far...

4 weeks, June 4th... expected my period and it never came!

5 weeks... positive pregnancy test!! Feeling nervous, but SO excited. Cameron and I talked right away about waiting to tell people until after our first ultrasound (u/s). At this time, I had no idea how HARD it was going to be to keep my mouth shut!

6 weeks, June 19th... My birthday! Summertime BBQ with the Young Married group from church and BBQ dinner with family. Family & friends all together, hanging out, wishing good birthday wishes... all the while knowing that the BEST birthday present ever was becoming a little person inside me!

7 weeks... pregnancy symptoms finally starting to set in. A little bit of nausea, a little tenderness in certain areas, but still feeling pretty good. The nausea actually was a welcome thing, being about the only thing that made me feel pregnant at all. Before that first u/s its pretty nervewracking the way your imagination can make you feel like something is going to go wrong!

8 weeks, July 2nd... the u/s was almost here! Family was in town back from their cruise and we all were celebrating 4th of July that weekend. I was SO tempted to spill the beans (looking back, I can't believe I didn't!) especially when the subject of babies came up. After all, my appt was just days away and my Grandma was going to be leaving for Arizona for months! But we kept to the plan and kept our mouths shut. Better safe than sorry.

Then a few days later we got to see this...

There's a baby in there!!

My heart was soaring, and within the day we had told our immediate family and a few friends. I even caught my Grandma as she was heading out for Arizona!! It was wonderful sharing the news with everyone.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yes! We're having a Baby!

So, you may or may not have heard the rumors. You may have known for a while and wondered why its taken me so long to blog! Yes, it is true! Cameron and I are going to have a baby, due February 11, 2011 and we are SO excited.

One reason why I haven't written anything here on this blog for so long is because we had decided once we found out I was pregnant that we were going to wait to tell people our good news until we had confirmation from the ultrasound picture that we really did have good news to share! And since I knew I was pregnant and wasn't telling anyone yet, it was so hard to find topics to blog about that weren't baby related! =)

We now have had not one, but two successful ultrasounds! Baby Lee looks healthy and has already proven to be strong-willed and stubborn by not cooperating with what the doctors wanted him/her to do, lol. It was so beautiful though seeing that little human being inside of me... wiggling, heart beating, so lovable.

I have a lot more to write but it may come in short little spurts! Hard to find time to blog these days with a busy business to run and a person growing inside me! Until next time...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Sometimes I can't believe how thick-headed I can be.

For example, when it comes to the subject of prayer, I know that it is a powerful tool. I know that we are commanded to pray. There are countless verses in the Bible about prayer and how effective prayer can be. Here are some of my favorite examples:

"Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray... And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up...The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:13, 14, 16

"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2

"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:22

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:2

So, these verses are very clear on prayer. But for whatever reason I don't pray. Not like I should at least. Most of the time I don't pray until there's no other option. Why do I wait? It should be the first thing I do every day, the last thing I do each evening, the first thing I do whenever a need or even desire arises. But time after time after time again I don't take it seriously and I don't ask my Lord and Provider for the things I need and want in life. My prayers are memorized and repetitious.

These verses on prayer are true. The Lord loves us and takes care of us and he wants us to take our cares and concerns to him daily. In the last two weeks my husband and I have prayed much more earnestly and seriously about new students for our business... And they've been coming! We've had 12 students sign up for our introductory month of classes in the last two weeks and more who have come to ask questions! It has been so encouraging. And a great lesson in the power of prayer!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010 - Old Traditions and New

We had a great Easter over at the Brown's residence yesterday, in spite of the earthquake shaking things up! But before the festivities could begin, the traditional pictures had to be taken!

After the traditional brunch and a little nap, we broke out a new tradition for the Brown family - Karaoke! A favorite pasttime and tradition of the Lee family households we wanted to introduce to my side of the family. And they really enjoyed themselves!

Good times all around! Happy Easter Everyone! Remember this year that the ground shook on Easter... Just as it did over 2000 years ago as the stone rolled away! Christ is Risen!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Do you know that I have seen 3 (yes, three) full arch, double rainbows so far in 2010?!?

It is usually so rare to see a rainbow around here. Four or five partial rainbows a year is a lot, since it doesn't rain much here in southern California. But with the wet year we've had they have been abundant.

They're so beautiful, rainbows. They always catch my eye and add excitement to my day. I am a dangerous driver when there is color in the sky (drivers beware!). I let everyone within earshot know - "Have you seen this rainbow!!"

With all the struggle we have been going through this year I was going to write a sequel blog entitled - "A Tough 2010 So Far - Part 2". A blog about job loss for both Cameron and I and the bitterness I have been dealing with while I'm lame duck employee awaiting my freedom. But then it hit me... We are SO BLESSED! I don't need to continue to dwell on this heartache and self-pity.

It says in Genesis that the rainbow painted in the sky is a symbol of the covenant God made to His people. He would never destroy them in a flood again. He would provide for them. He would protect them. We still see rainbows in our sky this day and age, and His message is still the same.

Thank you Lord, for rainbows! I'm sorry for the way I can be so impatient and untrusting. Thank you for the way you provide so perfectly for your people. Even in the midst of our grumbling, you make good on your promises every time; every year, every hour, every minute, with or without my faithfulness.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Encouraging Verses

The following passages have proven very encouraging to me over the last month and a half. Thought they were important to share with all!!

Isaiah 40: 10 - 14

"See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power,
and his arm rules for him.
See, his reward is with him,
and his recompense accompanies him.

He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.

(I like this part)
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,
or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?
Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket,
or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?

Who has understood the mind of the LORD,
or instructed him as his counselor?

Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge
or showed him the path of understanding?"

(and skip down a few verses in the chapter - the part I like the best)

Isaiah 40: 26 - 31

"Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.

Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel,
'My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my God'?

Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Tough 2010 So Far - Part One

Its amazing how things can change so fast....

We were on such a high at the end of 2009. I guess God has said its time for a lesson in trust, faith and relying on him COMPLETELY for daily strength.

I haven't blogged for a while because I haven't wanted to bring the party down. It is still very true that God has blessed us with an amazing 2009. We are so grateful for everything we were able to experience last year and we still have some wonderful things happening.

But already this year we have experienced heartache and sorrow.

Early in the year, around the first week in January, I found out I was pregnant! Just 5 weeks along I was feeling good and excited, and yet couldn't really believe yet that I was really with child. I was feeling slight symptoms - just a little dizzy and slightly nauseous in the afternoons - just enough to let me know something was definitely different. I couldn't wait until my ultrasound which was scheduled for January 22, when I would be 7 1/2 weeks along. The day finally came, but it did not bring the happy news we hoped for. Alas, no fetus could be found. The doctor confirmed I was pregnant but apparently the baby never developed like it was supposed to and there was no baby. It was pretty shocking to hear and understand. How can I be pregnant but there was no baby? Instead of walking away with the picture of my baby I wanted, we walked away with an appointment for a D&C to end my pregnancy.

Its amazing how much you can miss someone you have never met and who possibly never existed in the first place! I am grateful we were able to find out so early in the pregnancy, but still a month and a half later I find myself grieving. We are also glad and encouraged that we were able to get pregnant so quickly in the first place, knowing that so many cannot even get to that point, and we are hopeful that we'll have good news again (and an ultrasound picture of a little person inside) soon.